Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Abundantly blessed!

   Commit to the lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 

God is good :)  I have had many trials these past few years, who hasn't? some trials are bigger than others, some really seem so tiny compare to others, but nonetheless, they are still trials. One struggle in particular has been going on in my life for over 10 years. I haven't always been so trusting and faithful, I have had my doubts and worries. I know God is always there but in my weak moments, I haven't always relied solely on Jesus.  I have some very close friends that have had trials, some that I couldn't even imagine what they are going thru. Especially a certain family, the man is the most God honoring man I have ever met, a very close friend. Why does he go through some major struggles, I don't mean just a little struggle here and there, I mean one major struggle that has gone one for over 5 years, why? when he is so faithful to the Lord?  I do know that God has us go through things to help us grow and trust Him more and He always lets us know that He is always there for us. My friend knows Jesus, he has a deep relationship with Jesus, he serves God in everything he does. Yesterday I received a phone call from my friends wife and she wanted to share with me an answered prayer, a prayer that has been prayed for over a year, by numerous people. She was reminding me, even through all their struggles these past several years, that God is faithful, God is always there and gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. I needed to hear this, God is amazing how He works that way, He puts people in our lives to share personal stories with to even uplift us, to help us when we are struggling.  I have another friend that is going thru cancer, just recently found out. she also knows Jesus, I am hoping God will use me to help her, I pray that I can be a blessing to her. All this lately has been on my heart, I just want to be a blessing to people, I want my heart to be in the right place and if I commit to the Lord, everything will be fine.

anyways, I know I haven't blogged since Jan! yikes, that was not my intention!!! I know, I know Dana!I had plans, I had big plans, for blogging, quilting, sewing, etsy shop, my horse riding, my ASL, my this and that! (notice all the "my" "my" "my"? lol too many high set goals, of course life gets busy, struggles come and God has different plans for us and He makes us slow down when we need to, that is exactly what has happened to me, God pretty much said "if you don't put things into perspective, stop worrying/stressing, slow down and stop doing so much, I will slow you down!"  I will share more of that in another post...I am struggling with slowing down, I know God is making me, but at first, it was a struggle, I kept acting the same way but then it hits me and for health's sake, I must slow down, I must stop stressing, I must put things back into perspective. So this is where I am, I am going to keep life simple, I really have to watch my worrying/stressing and just trust in God about situations that are beyond my control. I am so blessed that I have some family that is there for me, some amazing friends and a church family.

so what is new with everyone that used to read my little blog? fill me in, let me know how you are, I know I haven't been the best about keeping up with blogs, which I really miss.Since people really don't check here anymore, since I never blog, not sure if anyone will see this post! ha!  Help keep me accountable, I am starting a new Bible study, I want to keep sewn items in my etsy/fb page and sew my quilts!
yes I have been sewing a little, just recently, I have bought fabric, and I have things I want to sew, so expect to see some projects being done!!! My fabric is organized and I am ready!  I am often home, being the recluse that I am, but just needed a kick in the face to get back on track :)


Anonymous said...

Still here reading along. Hope to see your creativity blossom and your struggles lessen. So good that you have supportive family and a church around you.

Dana Gaffney said...

This is great! Words of wisdom for you my friend, if you map out your future you miss so many interesting side roads. I love where you're heading, go slowly and enjoy the sights.

Dee said...

I was just reading of FB today that we are blessed and loved and are given chances to win, show what we've learned, how much we've matured, be a blessing to others....through what we in our human-ness call trials. Our great Teacher is asking us to reflect His goodness and give honor to Whom honor is due!

Nice to see you on here! I totally understand Life keeping us so busy!

Love you and pray for you!