Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baby Kailee Quilt & Baby Aiden Quilt

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see   Hebrews 11:1

Two baby quilt orders for a high school friend who has 2 grandbabies and wanted a handmade quilt for each one, we used the hourglass block since it reminded her of a quilt that her grandma had,

Here is the Kailee Quilt (her grandaughters name)

I used the chenille for the backing, it's looks beautiful but I did not like sewing and quilting it!

Here is the Aiden Quilt (her grandsons name)   

I finished them pretty fast considering it's so close to Christmas and do have to say I am a bit proud of lets me know that I can accomplish a lot of quilting if I just do it and not procrastinate :)

anyways, now off to finish the several sewing gifts I need to do and all the baking I want to bake!
is it horrible that I can't wait till January? I have so many things I want to do regarding my house and all my sewing and scrapbooking!


1 comment:

Dana Gaffney said...

They came out beautiful, I like the hourglass pattern, perfect. I hope you get everything done you have on your list. Merry Christmas to you and the family.