Tuesday, February 8, 2011

my creative side.....

is not what I want or where I want it to be.....do you ever just feel so stuck? I mean I have the drive to be creative and Lord knows I have a good amount of fabric and scrapbooking supplies to be creative, I also have Betty , poor Betty, she needs a better owner! what woman wouldn't die to have her?!!  I have not spent enough time with her  ;)  it's mainly because of one barter project that I am stuck on, sooo close to being done, just about done! but I feel like I am not "allowed" to work on much else until this is finished and it's driving me crazy, it's hanging over my head!  I did make 2 pillowcases for a friend and waiting for some fabric to come in to make her some curtains.

I am behind on my ps i quilt, quilt a long, I STILL have 2 projects to finish for family (I am a horrible daughter and sister! lol),   I really want to start a new quilt for Zach, 1 have 2 other quilts, actually 3 (I just remembered a pinwheel quilt that I started a year ago)  that are cut and somewhat pieced. I have a *to do* list of fun stuff to make for myself, my home and friends, not even gonna mention all the scrapbooking pages I want to do :)

sometimes I start to feel a bit overwhelmed with all I want and need to do but it's a good thing because I love what I am overwhelmed with!!! you know what I mean? I have my crafty, outside and inside the home endeavors :)

it's so beautiful again this week where I live (last week was cold) but overall we have had a very mild winter here in AZ, I am itching to start my garden, and plant honeysuckles and more bareroot rose bushes, which need to be done this coming weekend. Last week I trimmed up hedges, weed eated and we sprayed for weeds. I want to work on my *pretty* side area of my house (Jim cringes when I mention this project!)
On the inside of the home, I want to repaint my craft room, revamp my laundry room, which is one room that is NOT working, it always becomes such a mess! redo my pictures in the living room and hallway. I am on the hunt for a type of buffet type of furniture from goodwill, yardsales that I can redo, I am still purging, mostly trying to get rid of 10-15 things a couple times a week, I have been organizing 1 or 2 small projects a week, things are looking better!

Here is a picture I need to share with the family...

Zach ran the 10K in Londons run and did great! GO ZACH!!!

I also got to spend some time with my sister Laurie before she moved toWisconsin to start her new life

                                                                                                                                                               that was a lot of rambling! hugs                                                                                                                    

oh and my book that I am reading that I told you about last week, One Thousand Gifts  is so good and I have only read the 1st Chapter, it had me crying in 2 places in the first chapter, I have to be careful because I really want to read ahead but since I am doing it with my mom and a online community over at (in) Courage I am trying to be good! go get it and read along with me!


ktquilts said...

I just want to let you off the hook by telling you that I have 6 quilts that are WIPs! Not telling how many UFOs!! Don't let the todo list become the doo-doo list! Treasure reminds me that a hobby is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Enjoy the journey my friend. Now please excuse me while I go take my own advice. ;0)

Ramona said...

Leslie! Take your time. I would rather be outside and enjoying the nice weather than stuck in a house. You'll get to the inside stuff in due time. What color are you thinking of repainting your craft room? I say go bold nad paint it turquoise! ;)

Mrs. Bukovan and Miss Rossi said...

Leslie, you're awesome!!! And I am loving that someone other than me feels like this at times. It WILL get done.

To add to your list of things to do, I've nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award. Check out my blog to see what it's all about.